Deer awl petz

my name iz Sock and aye liv in Bristol. Kye wonted a doggy butt liser sed thair woz not enuff room too swing a kat (not in the reel cense but in the metafowical cense- liser is no kat basher) so kye made me out ov lisers dadz old sock, wiv beerbottel lidz for ayes and part ov a milk kartern for my mouth. now im lonlee coz kye and liser werk a lot. liser has two reel human baybees cawled katei and steven, but they are pawly and carnt pley. there hands fell orf and katies hed fell half orf, butt kye sowed it back on.

i wont some compewter fwends. peeze wite back



"Sock from Bristol" came to see the MMTG show

On Monday 22nd Nov and here are a couple of pictures of Sock and Snake meeting for the first time.

They were both very excited.

Snake had the following message from Bristol Sock a few weeks ago.

The message went to all of the animals who have e-mayle - like Buster and Bentley Knight and Killer Kat Kizzy of Kiddy